Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Fodder Challenge 2023

Hi Everyone ,

I'm sure alot of you know about Fodder School and the free Fodder Challenge 2023 that is currently taking place . It's not exactly new to me as I know I've made 'fodder ' at various points along the way. I've just just not necessarily called it that. However, joining in the fodder challenge lessons is new to me so I guess you could say I'm a fodder challenge newbie! :) 

I'm looking to share photos of the fodder I make here on my blog and across my Social Media accounts ( links below) so please feel free to pop by any of them anytime. The posts will also serve as a running record of my Fodder Challenge 2023 journey.

  I'm not sure at this point if I will complete all the Fodder Challenge lessons as they are arriving daily and although I got off to a good start I'm now running behind ( well behind! ). I've kept getting caught up enjoying the processes involved in the lessons and of course 'life' does have a habit of 'butting' in - you know like it does when your having fun!  ;)
I'll do whatever time allows though and share my fodder  and any fodder projects along the way. 

Here's the fodder I made during Tiffany Sharpe's lesson 1 : Tropical Watercolour leaves.

I'm not sure I went 'tropical ' with all mine, I just followed my muse and really did enjoy using my old ( and they really are old) watercolour paints and doing some focused watercolour painting again as its beenquite a while since the last time I did. 

Here's they are all together....

......and a few close ups of some of them individually.

Hope you've enjoyed seeing my fodder from Lesson 1 . Hope to be back soon sharing more or what I make from the other lessons in Fodder Challenge 2023 . 

Until then 
Happy Creative Wishes



Facebook: Amanda Pink 
Instagram: p1nkart

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