Thursday 11 February 2021

'What Time Is Love?"

 Hi Everyone 

Hope you are all doing good and keeping safe and well? 

Today, Im over on That's Crafty's blog in my regular DT spot sharing a mixed media Art Panel that I've created using That's Crafty! Tim Holtz and DecoArt products. 

Here's the story.... 
 ....A good friend of mine recently reminded me of the band 'KLF', who hit the music scene in the late 80's and apparently were the biggest selling singles band in the world in 1991! Well, one of their tracks "What Time is Love' has been playing on a loop in my head ever since! 
So, I thought I'd let it be the spark for my creativity and this is the result....

I'd love for you to come join me over on the blog where  there's more to see and read so if you fancy popping by just click HERE to be redirected.

Hope to see you soon 

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